
The 2021 Sports Replay

Sports content is consistently a valuable medium for reaching viewers, with NFL content leading the pack. But viewing trends vary based on traits like geography, and different types of audiences tend to have different viewing habits. For example, NFL fans are more likely to be suburban families, while NBA fans are more often young urban singles.1

And while advertising during sports can help you reach the right audiences for your business, fans spend more than eight hours a day viewing traditional TV.2 This provides advertisers with a prime opportunity to reach them not only through the games they love but also through other engaging TV and video content.

To determine what really works, we analyzed sports and cross-platform ad exposure over a 12-month period. Check out the infographic below to find out what we learned.

The Sports Replay infographicClick to view

1: Comcast Internal Analysis of Sports Ad Exposure Data. January – December 2021. Full-Footprint. Target as defined by Experian.
2: Comcast Aggregated Viewership Data. January – December 2021. Full-Footprint. Target is Heavy Sports Viewers, defined as the top one-third of sports viewers